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Republic of Moldova

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  • Capital: Chişinău
  • Area: 33,843.5 km²
  • Population: approx. 2.5 million
  • Official Language: Romanian


The OeAD cooperation office in Chişinău has been in existence since November 2003. Together with the Moldovan Ministry of Education and local organisations it carries out projects to improve the quality of vocational education and to strengthen inclusive education and training in the Republic of Moldova. Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine in the spring of 2022 the OeAD Cooperation Office has also been involved in psychosocial support for refugee children and their integration into everyday school life.

Key focuses:

  • Inclusive education
  • Vocational education and training
  • Support of the integration of Ukrainian children/teenagers at schools


(Duration: 2018-2024)

Inclusive education is firmly rooted in the strategies and national legislation of the Republic of Moldova. To support the implementation of the strategic directions in the field of inclusive education institutional support structures have been created in the last few years. This includes in particular the Psycho-Pedagogical Support Centres (SAPs), which operate in each district and support schools of general education in the implementation of inclusive education. The I-VET project goes one step further and supports the Moldovan Ministry of Education in the introduction of inclusive vocational education and training and the development of the corresponding legal framework. Nine pilot schools tested promising approaches to inclusive vocational education and training and their feasibility. These schools now have the necessary competences to plan and implement an inclusive educational process. Furthermore, the development of the legal framework has been supported in close cooperation with all relevant stakeholders. Both clear regulations for the transition from general education to vocational education and training have been created and methodological and didactic principles have been embedded in law. Individualising curricula and vocational education and training with partial qualification has also been made possible. School psychologists at seven Centres of Excellence have been trained to become trainers in inclusive education and empowered to provide further training for all vocational education and training institutions. In the current project phase the SAPs and their coordinating national office in their role as a support structure will be equipped with the necessary professional skills and tools to advise and accompany schools of vocational education and training, teachers, pupils and parents at the transition to and during vocational education and training.

Direct target groups:

  • Ministry of Education and Research
  • All 87 vocational schools and colleges, including teaching staff and headmasters/headmistresses teams
  • 35 Regional Psycho-Pedagogical Support Centres
  • National Centre for Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance
  • Labour market service in all 35 regions

Indirect target group:

  • 243 young people with SEN (Special Educational Needs) at all 90 vocational training institutes in the Republic of Moldova in the school year 2022/2023

(Duration: 2024–2025)

In Phase I of the project "COOP-NET – Cooperation Network/s of Moldovan Centers of Excellence" the aim was to create an effective cooperation network between the Centers of Excellence (CoEs) and the vocational training institutions assigned to them. Moreover, the overarching goal was to strengthen the CoEs in their leadership role in their respective sectors and to support them in effectively fulfilling their responsibilities towards the assigned vocational training institutions.

Phase II of the project "COOP-NET – Cooperation Network/s of Moldovan Centers of Excellence" on one hand aims to ensure the quality of the cooperation instruments and processes established in the first project phase between the CoEs and the schools of vocational education and training assigned to them and to strengthen the flow of information between the CoEs and the Moldovan Ministry of Education. On the other hand the CoEs are to be supported in fulfilling their tasks in priority fields such as the professional development of teachers or in newly emerging fields. Both of these work together as the introduction of effective quality assurance and co-operation instruments will also improve the quality of the services provided by the CoEs.

Direct target groups:

  • 11 Centers of Excellence (6 to 7 teachers/institution)
  • Management teams of all 90 vocational education and training institutions (5 persons/institution)

Indirect target group:

  • Pupils at all 90 vocational education and training institutions (45,900 persons, 2022/2023)

(Duration: 2022–2024)

Due to the war in Ukraine and the movement of refugees that has come with it the Republic of Moldova has been faced with the management of a major task. While many families were only passing through numerous persons, mainly women and children, have remained in the country. More than half of the people in this group are children and teenagers. The PACE I project therefore aims to quickly provide psychosocial support for children and young people who have experienced flight. Volunteers and psychologists within and outside the school system who are involved in refugee assistance are trained in crisis intervention and trauma management in a series of online seminars. Moreover, materials on these topics were translated into Romanian in cooperation with HEMAYAT, the Austrian care centre for survivors of torture and war, which are made available to the target group online and in print. A book and six booklets provide theoretical background and practical exercises on coping with trauma and are intended to support the volunteers and psychologists in their work with refugee children and young people. Moreover, a group of 22 female staff members of the psychosocial assistance centres were trained to become trainers in the field of “Psychosocial support for children and young people with experience of flight and war”. Moreover, training sessions are held with form teachers to train them in topics such as classroom atmosphere, conflict management and trauma management.

Direct target groups:

  • Volunteers and psychologists within and outside the school system (approx. 350 persons)
  • Trainers of the National Centre for Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance national and the Regional Psycho-Pedagogical Support Centres (20 persons)
  • approx. 500 school psychologists in the Republic of Moldova (as at: June 2022)

Indirect target group:

  • approx. 45,000 underage refugees (as at: November 2023)


Kathrin Wenny (Bildungsbeauftragte)
Austrian Educational Coordinator
Bd. Stefan cel Mare 180, of. 1014
MD-2004 Chişinău
t:   +373 (22) 23 4000
m: +373 (0) 78 054 232

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